Child Protection

Child Protection
Child protection program under the Catholic Diocese of Kitale was started in August 2010 when the Diocese realized the increasing number of reported cases of child abuse within its area of jurisdiction that is West Pokot and Transnzoia counties.
With clear Child Protection Policy Guidelines and Procedures, the Child protection department is commitment to protect and value every child as an individual, and works to ensure that everyone working for the Catholic Diocese of Kitale and its Christians respect fundamental rights of all children. The Child Protection office has a 13 member-board that oversee the running of its activities.
This program has for years responded to the needs of children whose rights are violated through abandonment, Child trafficking, Gender based violence, child labour, sexual abuse or exposed to unfit sexual materials, FGM or are at risk of undergoing FGM, denial of the right to education, those displaced by war or conflicts, children who are disabled and are being mistreated or taken advantage of, those whose parents/guardians are unfit to take care of them.