
The Gender department assist in the providing technical advice, coordination, monitoring and evaluation of activities relating to CMA and CWA activities in the Diocese. This department ensures provision of catholic guidelines and catholic social teachings to these two associations, as well as promote integral development of the weaker gender through provision of spiritual growth, training and social welfare activities. The department vision is to empower the two groups in various developmental aspects and also encourage the establishment of groups and individuals who are self reliant. It works closely with all parishes and departments in the Diocese to accomplish these.
Kenya’s constitution (2010) recognizes women, youth, persons with disabilities and ethnic minorities as special groups deserving of constitutional protection. Hence, all spheres/faces of the diocese operations reflect this requirement- whether in employment, pastoral appointments, intakes in diocese-run schools, buildings architecture (to provide for the persons with disabilities).
Uptake of the gender equity requirement should happen across all faces/departments of CDK with clear mechanisms of implementation to realize the gender constitutional provisions.
To this effect, the Catholic Diocese of Kitale has a Gender department which is currently headed by Rev. Sr. Joan Muasya as the Diocesan Gender Coordinator. The office all activities related to the CMA and CWA associations.