Special Programme for Children with Disabilities

Mrs. Scholasticah Ingosi. SPCD Coordinator

Special Programme for Children with Disabilities

The Special Program for Children with Disabilities aims to provide children living with disabilities with opportunity to develop their full potential within the environment of their own communities. This it does through programs that reduce barriers that hinder participation of children with disabilities in processes and activities in the society.

It focuses on:
• Ability of the child rather than his/her disability
• Rehabilitation programs that ensure a child living with a disability becomes stronger, resilient and self confident; and to see himself/herself as valuable.
• Improving accessibility to education for children with special needs through partnerships with relevant state and non state actors.
• Awareness creation to help reduce negative attitude among communities to overcome social prejudice
• Assist children living with disabilities acquire assistive devices like wheel chairs, hearing aids, walking aids etc.
• Economic empowerment of parents/caregivers of children with special needs and young adults living with disabilities to promote self reliance.